Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What Is The Importance Of Obama’s Loan Modification Program

The American economy has faced one of the worst period of its recession. The general public has been affected so much that American government has to come in to bail out most of the Americans from this critical situation. A time came when almost every middle class house owner started fearing for losing their houses at the hand of mortgage modification companies and pledging agencies due to their inability to pay back the mortgage money on their houses. That was the time when President Obama administration stepped in and decided to give a second chance to such effected house owners. It was Obama home loan modification program .which put many people across United States at ease. The Government financial agencies started implementing about $75 billion loan modification program as Obama loan modification plan. This program was primarily focused on house owners refinancing those trucked in short payments of mortgage money. This way, approximately about $700 billion were made spared for bankers for maintaining their credit flow and about nine million house owner were benefited by Obama hamp loan modification.

The Obama’s new plan that is making home affordable, has given big incentives to encourage loan lender agencies and other loan services providers to extend Loan-ModificationPrograms. Now they could do this either by lowering their interest rate or by dropping the principal amount of the loan, but it was feared the bankers will not drop the principal amount. However, they would lower interest rate for period of five years and then return back to original interest rates that was 5% presently.

The plan has two main components, the home affordable refinance plans on one side offers the current home owners the breathing space by allowing them to refinance their home into much lower interest rate loans, it offers them to refinance to as much as 105% of current value of their house. On the other hand portion of plan offers relief to struggling home owner those cannot pay mortgage money and are in danger of losing their home to foreclosure. The plan modifies their current mortgage so that its monthly payment is reduced to 31% of monthly gross income of house owner, this way every home owner gets bonus of $5000 annually on total mortgage payments. In this connection every effected home owner must visit government website; financialstability.gov.com

the US Government is determent to yet launch another bailing out program “BAD BANK” that will buy all sick assets from banks in order to stabilize financial housing market by spending approximately $2 trillion. The two trillion dollars question is whether US Government will be able to curb foreclosure of homes and get economy back on feet with Obama or Nobama.

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